New Blog for Cars Movie Posters & Character Sheets
So I decided to start another blog that was focused on Cars Posters and advertising. The studios really ran a fantastic "countdown" launch for this movie in particular, I am sure that explains why it was so successful. I have tried to get images of the different posters, some of them have dates and others I am just not sure when they came out in the countdown process. Anyways, hope you find it fun and useful. Just like everything else I am sure that you can find some of these posters being auctioned off on ebay.
I have not seen countdown advertising this good since "Ghostbusters". Back in the 80's while I was living in New York City, I can remember seeing tons of these friendly, chubby, white ghosts with a red line drawn through it months before there were movie trailers. I remember how it was such a viral advertising campaign, everyone was talking about these posters, wondering what they were for - they did not have any names, just a date and left you wondering. They did the same things with the Movie Cars. I saw the posters and was left curious, wondering what this movie was about and if I was going to like it.